Upright Missionary Sex Position

The Upright Missions

The Upright missionary sex position, also known as the “upright” or “vertical” missionary, is one of the most common and popular sex positions in which both partners lie on their backs with the man on top and facing upwards.

Evolution of the Position

The Upright Missions refers to a sex position where the woman is positioned upright with her partner entering from above, often referred to as “standing” or ” upright missionary”. This position has been described in various ancient and classical texts, including those of Greece and Rome. In these texts, it was often depicted as a position of great pleasure for women, allowing them greater control and intimacy during sex.

The evolution of the Upright Missions dates back to ancient times, where it was often associated with fertility rituals and religious ceremonies. In some cultures, this position was seen as a way to connect with the divine or to channel spiritual energy. As societal attitudes towards sex and relationships changed over time, the position fell out of favor in Western societies but continued to be practiced in other parts of the world.

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